
YANG Xudong
Tel: 86-10-62788845
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]

Xudong Yang

Ph.D., Chang-Jiang Professor of Building Science,

Vice Dean for Research, School of Architecture,

Director, Tsinghua-Daikin Research Center

Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China


Fax86-10-62773461E-mail[email protected]


Research and innovation

As a civil and mechanical engineer, Professor Yang’s research interests center on transformative, interdisciplinary technologies of sustainable civil infrastructures, and the intersection of energy, environment and health. Throughout his career, Prof. Yang has dedicated himself to research that is unique, fills important knowledge gaps, and, most importantly, solves pressing energy and environmental challenges in the real world. His research philosophy is that research topics must come from engineering needs, address fundamental science behind such needs, and guide the engineering work to make a real difference.


Innovations in research


Professor Yang has led more than 80 key research projects covering various aspects of energy and environment in built environment. His first major contribution in research is to utilize nature-based resources and develop innovative technologies to improve rural energy and environment. Globally, 2.6 billion people still lack access to clean energy, including over 300 million from China. Unclean combustion of solid fuels for cooking and heating leads to severe household and atmospheric air pollution, and adverse health impacts. His group leads the development of innovative but highly affordable technologies and assessment methods to improve rural energy and environment, partly reflected by over 70 patents and large-scale applications. Prof. Yang and students invented a cost-effective, ultra-low ambient temperature air source heat pump (can work steadily and efficiently under -35 degree C) to replace coal or natural gas-burning heating stoves in northern China, Mongolia, and Europe. He led the invention of a new semi-gasifier biomass pellet burner that reduces PM and CO emissions by 90% compared to traditional coal or wood stoves, while convenience and thermal efficiency also improved. He advanced new solar photovoltaic and solar air heaters for household use, cutting costs by 50% compared with traditional solar water heaters, while avoiding maintenance issues and freezing risk. He advanced science and technology in low-grade energy storage by developing holistic simulation and optimization tools and constructing China’s largest renewable seasonal thermal energy storage system (with a total thermal energy storage volume 0.5 million m3). These technologies not only create solutions to real world challenges, but also open new avenues for scientific research in the wider field of renewable energy. Household air pollution from biomass and coal burning is a risk factor for elevated blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which are the leading causes of death in China’s aging population. Supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Wellcome Trust, and several other funding agencies, he established multi-disciplinary collaborations to study geographical and seasonal differences in human environmental exposure as well as cardiovascular function and health. On-going efforts include assessing environmental and health benefits of the “coal to clean energy” intervention program in China.


Professor Yang’s second major contribution in research is to understand the mechanisms and formulate nature-based solutions for healthy indoor environment. The focus of this cluster is on the measurement, modeling, and control of various air contaminants in built environment considering their interaction with people and the ambient. This research is rooted in fundamental understanding of key mechanisms related to generation and transport processes of air pollutants from different kinds of materials and sources. This covers not only buildings, but also aircraft cabins, trains, car cabins, and other environments. In addition, his group attempts to understand the interaction of air pollutants with human, including sources or sinks that human body may behave in relation to air pollutants and the environment. Since 1990’s, he developed a series of mass transfer-based models for simulating volatile organic compound emissions from building materials. To support these models, he completed experiments to derive fundamental model parameters. Later, his group has made contributions to better understanding the interactions of organic compound with a wide range of sources and sinks. In recent years, his group extended research to study complex source and sink processes of humans. The above efforts led to advancements in conventional emission and exposure models to predict human exposure to toxic chemicals, and standards in material emission testing protocols.


Professor Yang’s team has made contributions to advance the environmental cleaning or remediation by developing innovative technologies. Earlier research was on DNA damage and bactericidal effect of photocatalytic oxidation in relation to indoor environments. Current research has been focused on activated carbon and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for removing indoor fine particles, VOCs and ozone simultaneously. Results indicate that CNTs exhibited higher quality factor, much lower pressure resistance, higher ozone and VOC removal efficiency, and upper-middle particle filtration efficiency. It holds promise to fundamentally restructure the technologies in pollution prevention, treatment, and remediation.


The impact of research to the real world


People spend 80 to 90% of their time in the built environment. Buildings are responsible for over 35% total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the world, and yet indoor environments are largely uncomfortable, unhealthy, and unsustainable. Poor indoor air quality is claiming millions of lives in the world annually. Professor Yang’s group has been working hard to understand research questions deeply, formulate research problems out of the real-world challenges, and provide practical solutions. He works with engineers, architects, energy experts, health scientists to understand the basic sciences and formulate holistic, nature-based solutions. He also works with industry, policy makers, designers, and other stakeholders to develop codes and standards, and bring the research results to practices. Till now, a lot of people have benefitted from their research results through reduced energy consumption and improved environmental quality and health.


For more than three decades, Prof. Yang’s research team takes the pride in bringing cutting edge research results to the real world. Research outcomes have been transformed into engineering products, standards, design tools, policy support materials, and implemented in engineering practices. His group has been developing strategies and technical solutions to achieve sustainable rural communities. He first proposed the concept of “zero coal, sustainable rural communities” in China, and developed a systematic approach to achieve that goal. He led development of China’s first Rural Building Energy Design Standard, among others, to promote wide adoption of energy and environment retrofitting in rural buildings. Over 27 million households have replaced their coal burning heating/cooking stoves by cleaner alternatives. The promotion of clean energy technologies in China rural has contributed significant reduction of PM2.5 and CO2 emissions and could avoid 300,000 annual premature deaths in China alone. The work has been reported by Nature (Kicking the coal habit, Nature, Vol 454, 2008), China Central Television, PBS, Wall Street Journal, and many other news media outlets. He developed an integrated simulation tool (ACCESS-IAQ) for evaluating pollutant transport and exposure in actual built environments. The tool has been adopted as a pre-assessment design standard to actively prevent indoor air pollution in buildings, cars, trains, and aircraft cabins. Many users have utilized this method as a performance-based simulation tool in their projects, totaling over 10 million m2 building floor area so far. He worked with the leading commercial aircraft manufacturer to develop the first target air pollutant list, VOC source database, and modeling tool for better selection of cabin materials and services.

Teaching and mentoring

Prof. Yang particularly enjoys teaching and interacting with students. He is devoted to a clear, systematic, and focused teaching style and believes in project-based learning. He maintains the interactions and discussions with students in and out of the classroom, so their learning motivation can be aroused, and their problems can be handled.


At the University of Miami, Prof. Yang took a leading role reorganizing and redesigning several key courses in both undergraduate and graduate levels. Courses he taught in the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering department cover Building Environmental Systems, Advanced Building Environmental Systems, Air Pollution Control Engineeting, Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Energy-Efficient Building Design, and Indoor Environmental Modeling. Students in these courses used advanced computational tools to solve engineering problems. At Tsinghua University, he has been teaching such core courses as Fluid Mechanics (sophomore), Fluid Transport System (junior), and Immunized Building Technologies (graduate, taught in English). In 2011-2012, Prof. Yang co-led a joint course between Harvard University and Tsinghua titled Sustainable Buildings.


In his capacity as the deputy director of the Institute of Built Environment at Tsinghua University, Prof. Yang actively engages in organizing major educational activities such as the curriculum development, China-Japan-Korea graduate students’ annual seminar exchanges, and the national Ph.D. supervisors’ conferences in the built environment. He is a strong advocate to internationalize graduate education in China, particularly the graduate curriculum and research training. He led a major department-level curriculum reform project in developing several All-English-Teaching graduate courses at Tsinghua.


On graduate student and postdoc supervision, Prof. Yang has been an advisor to 36 Ph.D. students, 23 M.S. students, and 19 postdoctoral research fellows (78 total). His students are highly sought after by top universities, national laboratories, research institutions, and industry. His academic rigor and work ethics are highly recognized by colleagues and students.

Academic and Professional services

Professor Yang has done extensive services in universities, academic societies, governmental and non-governmental agencies and established strong leadership capabilities through these services. He is an elected Fellow of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and an elected Fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). In ASHRAE, Prof. Yang served various capacities including a member of the Research Administration Committee (RAC) and the ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance (AASA). He is presently vice chair in the IEA-EBC (Energy in Buildings and Communities) Technology Collaboration Programme, served as an advisor to the UNEP–NAMA (National Appropriate Mitigation Action) for the building sector in Asia, and various Chinese ministries and cities on energy and environment intervention programs. In 2019, he was elected to the Scientific Committee of the China Ministry of Housing and Urban/Rural Development focusing on building energy and green buildings. In 2023, Prof. Yang was elected as a member of the Scientific Committee, Tsinghua University.

In 2008, Prof. Yang founded the Building Simulation: An International Journal and has served as editor-in-chief till 2020. This academic journal was the first publication in the world which focuses on the important topics described by the term Building Simulation. The Journal has quickly evolved as one of the most influential journals in the building research field. Prof. Yang has been serving as associate editor (2007-2020) and Editor-in-Chief (2021-now) for Building and Environment, a leading journal of more than 55 years of history.

Academic highlights

Prof. Yang has contributed to 12 books, including the textbook Building Equipment and Engineering (in Chinese) and the English reference book Environmental Engineering: Environmental Health and Safety for Municipal Infrastructure, Land Use and Planning (Wiley), Handbook of Indoor Air Quality (Springer). The book series Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency (published annually since 2007 by China Architecture and Building Press) is considered the most authoritative reference in building energy and environment research in China.  In addition, Prof. Yang filled an important gap in standard development by converting innovative ideas into standards. He is the leading author of four standards, including China’s ground-breaking standards Rural Building Energy Design Standard and Technical Standard for Indoor Air Pollution Control of Residences.


Prof. Yang has published over 300 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, including 200+ papers published in leading academic journals such as Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), Nature Sustainability, Environmental Health Perspective, Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Environmental Science & Technology. He has twice won the annual best paper awards from Building and Environment and once from Building Simulation. Several of his papers are listed as ESI highly cited papers, and his journal publications have been officially cited for more than 9200 times.


Professor Yang has been honored with numerous awards, including the Research Career Award from the US CDC (2000), the New Investigator Award from the ASHRAE (2000), the Advance in Science and Technology award from the Chinese Ministry of Education (2000), the ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award (2008), the Award for Natural Sciences from the Chinese Ministry of Education (2013), the Innovation Award from the Chinese Bureau of Energy (2015), the ASHRAE Exceptional Service Award (2018), and First Prize for Award for Scientific and Technological Progress in Energy Conservation And Emission Reduction, China Energy Conservation Association (2021).






Research Projects (selected)

1.       Research on diagnosis and regulation strategy of heating System based on infrared thermal imaging. Director, Funded by Beijing Heat Group Co. LTD, 2021-2023

2.       Balance between building health and energy saving in low-carbon era, Director (Principal Investigator), Funded by Daikin Industries, 2021-2022

3.       Scenario analysis and technology path study of thermal carbon-neutral transition in Zibo City, Funded by Zibo Heating Group Co., Ltd, 2021-2021

4.       Study on renewable energy application and a pilot scheme in Changzhi city, Director (Principal Investigator), Funded by Changzhi City, 2020-2021

5.       Research and integrated demonstration of appropriate technologies for net-zero energy buildings, Director (Principal Investigator), Funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China. 2020-2021

6.       Construction of village energy system and key technologies. Co-Principal Investigator, Funded by Chinese Academy of Engineering. 2020-2021

7.       The clean biomass research center, Director (Principal Investigator), Funded by Shanxi Clean Energy Research Institute, 2019-2022.

8.       Solar central heating engineering technical services. Director, Funded by Beijing Zhonghuan Hechuang Environmental & Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 2018-2019

9.       Assessment and technology selection of “coal to clean energy” in rural communities, Principal Investigator, Funded by Beijing Commission of Science and Technology, 2018-2019.

10.    Development of low-cost clean heating technologies for rural households, Principal Investigator, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2018-2021.

11.    System optimization and simulation of district solar energy heating, Principal Investigator, Funded by Zhong Huan Environmental Co. Ltd, 2019-2020.

12.    Technology pathway and policy study of urban/rural clean heating in northern China, Principal Investigator, Funded by the World Bank and the Ministry of Housing and Urban/Rural Development, 2019-2019.

13.    Pathways to equitable, healthy cities, Co- Investigator, Funded by the Wellcome Trust, 2018-2020.

14.    Built environment theory and design method for future cities, Principal Investigator, Funded by National Science Foundation of China, 2018-2022.

15.    Intelligent heating and electrical peak load regulation based on air source heat pumps, Principal Investigator, Funded by Beijing Commission of Science and Technology, 2018-2019.

16.    Establishment of a standard for controlling volatile organic compounds in commercial airliner cabins, Co-Principal Investigator, Funded by the Boeing-COMAC Joint Research Center, 2018-2019.

17.    Space heating demonstration in gerrs of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Co-Principal Investigator, in-kind contribution without funding, 2017-2018.

18.    Fundamental studies of using carbon nanotubes to remove combined indoor air pollutants, Principal Investigator, Funded by National Science Foundation of China, 2017-2020.

19.    Characterizing the enabling environment for scalability of processed biomass pellet fuel as a household cooking and heating fuel in China, Co-Principal Investigator, Funded by the Institutes of Health, 2017-2017.

20.    Car cabin VOC emission database, emission mechanisms, and design optimization tool, Principal Investigator, Funded by the Ford Company, 2017-2020.

21.    Several critical problem analyses in China rural energy technologies, Key participant,. Funded by Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2015-2017.

22.    Health impact preliminary study of clean cookstoves, Principal Investigator, China Ministry of Agriculture, 2016-2017.

23.    Survey and assessment of energy-saving retrofit in Beijing, Principal Investigator, Funded by Beijing Commission of Construction and Urban-Rural Development, 2017-2017.

24.    Secondary air pollution study of portable air cleaners, Principal Investigator, Funded by Blue Air Corp. Shenzhen, 2017-2017.

25.    Fundamental study of indoor environment creation, Investigator, Funded by Innovative Groups of National Science Foundation of China, 2016-2021.

26.    Research and demonstration of district heating based on seasonal thermal energy storage of solar and industrial waste heat, Principal Investigator, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2014-2017.

27.    Research and demonstration of coal reduction and replacement in rural households of Beijing and surroundings, Principal Investigator, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2014-2016.

28.    A large-scale seasonal thermal storage system combining solar thermal and industrial waste heat for urban district heating: system modeling and simulation, Principal Investigator, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology International Cooperation Program, China, 2015-2017.

29.    Seasonal thermal energy storage data monitoring and analysis, Principal Investigator, Funded by Electricite de France, 2015-2017.

30.    National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) development for the building sector in southeast Asia, Principal Investigator, Funded by United Nations Environment Programme, 2013-2017.

31.    Environmental and nutritional interventions for improving cardiovascular health in rural China, Principal Investigator, Funded by the Wellcome Trust, 2015-2017.

32.    Solar heating and indoor air cleaning guidance, Principal Investigator, Funded by Beijing Boxi Company, 2014-2018.

33.    Combined solar heating and air source heat pump operation study, Principal Investigator, Funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2014-2016.

34.    Improving air quality, health, and the environment through household energy interventions in the Tibetan Plateau, Co-Principal Investigator, Funded by US Environmental Protection Agency - Science to Achieve Results (EPA-STAR), 2013-2016.

35.    Coal consumption reduction technologies and demonstrations in rural houses of Beijing, Principal Investigator, Funded by Beijing Commission of Science and Technology, 2013-2015

36.    Volatile organic compound emissions from human breath, Principal Investigator, Funded by National Science Foundation of China, 2013-2017.

37.    Energy-efficient rural housing and new heating system development, Principal Investigator, Funded by Beijing Commission of Science and Technology, 2013-2014.

38.    Eco-building design and heating system optimization in Yushu, Gansu Province, Principal Investigator, Funded by No. 8 Construction Company of China, 2013-2015.

39.    Modeling the contribution of normal human breathing on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the aircraft cabin, Principal Investigator, Funded by the Boeing Company, 2014-2014.

40.    Low Energy and Environmental Impact Technologies for China’s Rural Housing, Principal Investigator, Funded by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2013-2013.

41.    China Building Sector Energy Analysis in support of Building Sector Greenhouse Gas Abatement Research and Analysis, Principal Investigator, Funded by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2013-2013.

42.    Post-earthquake reconstruction projects in Beichun Country, Sichuan Province and Yushu, Qinghai Province, focusing on building new rural homes with clean heating and cooking facilities, Principal Investigator with no funding (in-kind contribution), 2008-2013.

43.    Non-linear air pollutant generation and transport, Principal Investigator, funded by Chinese National Key Fundamental Research Program, 2012-2016.

44.    Human to human pollutant transport in ventilated rooms, Principal Investigator, funded by National Science Foundation of China 2012-2015

45.    Study on rural building thermal environment and energy conservation technologies, Principal Investigator, funded by National Science Foundation of China2011-2014

46.    Rural building energy conservation scenario analysis and health impact evaluation, Principal Investigator, funded by Tsinghua University2011-2014

47.    Curtain wall solar heating unit development, Principal Investigator, funded by Beijing Commission of Science and Technology, 2011-2012

48.    A database of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission in aircraft cabins through the cabin materials and operations of the airplanes Principal Investigator, funded by the Boeing Company, 2007-2010.

49.    Building natural ventilation studyPrincipal Investigator, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2011-2012

50.    Investigation of China residential energy characteristics, Principal Investigator, funded by Panasonic Corp. 2010-2011

51.    VOC sorption and indoor air quality modeling, Principal Investigator, funded by China National Natural Science Foundation, 2009-2011

52.    Simulation and Software Development for Indoor Pollutant Control, Principal Investigator, funded by China Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006-2010

53.    Key Technologies for Improving Indoor Environments of Chinese Rural Areas, Principal Investigator, funded by China Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006-2010

54.    Passive solar Housing Design and Relevant Technological Development in Beijing, Principal Investigator, funded by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, 2007-2007

55.    Rural housing energy use and environment survey in Northern China, Principal Investigator, funded by Tsinghua University, China Ministry of Agriculture and Beijing Tsinghua Urban Planning & Design Institute, 2006-2007

56.    Rural housing energy-saving demonstration in Fangshan district, Beijing, Principal Investigator, funded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, 2007

57.    Modeling VOC Sorption of Building Materials and Its Impact on Indoor Air Quality - Phase II (Second Phase of RP-1097), Principal Investigator, funded by ASHRAE, 2007-2009.

58.    Study on Building Material VOC Emission and Transport, Principal Investigator, funded by China Ministry of Education, 2007-2009

59.    Key Problems of Using Photocatalytic Oxidation to Decompose Indoor VOCs, Co-Principal Investigator, funded by China National Natural Science Foundation, 2005-2008.


Courses taught

1. Undergraduate

Principles of Fluid Network (Spring, Instructor)

Heating and Boilers Systems (Spring, Instructor)

New Progress on HVAC and Refrigeration (Spring, Co-Instructor)

Student Practice Course (Spring)


2. Graduate

Immunized Building Technologies (Spring, Instructor)

Sustainable Buildings: Design, Construction, and Operations (Fall, Instructor)

International Journal Editorship

Editor-in-Chief, Building and Environment, 2021-present

Founding Editor-in-chief, Building Simulation: An International Journal, 2008-2020

Associate Editor, Building and Environment, 2008-2020

Editorial Board Member, Energy and Buildings, 2010 – 2020.

Editorial Board Member, Chinese Environmental Science, and Technology (in Chinese), 2012 – Present.

Editorial Board Member, District Heating (in Chinese), 2017 – Present.

Guest Editor, Atmospheric Environment, 2005

Guest Editor, Building and Environment, 2005



1.       First Prize for Award for Scientific and Technological Progress in Energy Conservation

And Emission Reduction, China Energy Conservation Association in 2021

2.       Exceptional Service Award of ASHRAE in 2018

3.       First Prize for Undergraduate Class Advisor, Tsinghua University in 2015

4.       Award for Innovation in Science & Energy, Chinese National Bureau of Energy in 2015

5.       Award for Natural Sciences, China Ministry of Education in 2013

6.       Award for Innovation in Science & Technology, Beijing in 2012

7.       ASHRAE Fellow in 2011

8.       ISIAQ Fellow in 2011

9.       The third prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award in 2010

10.    ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award in 2008

11.    Chang-Jiang endowed professorship, Ministry of Education and Lee Foundation in 2005

12.    Sci. & Tech. Advanced Award by China Ministry of Education in 2000

13.    Special Emphasis Research Career Award (Second Prize, List in Third) of Centers for Disease Control & Prev. SERCAin 2000

14.    New Investigator Awards of ASHRAE in 2000

15.    MIT Martin Society of Graduate Fellows for Sustainability in 1999

16.    Life Member Club award and Grant-in-Aid award of the American Society of       Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) in 1998

17.    Excellent Young Faculty Award of Tsinghua University (China) in 1993

18.    Award for Research Achievements, China Academy of Building Research in 1990



Professional Services


1.     President, China Association of Rural Energy Industry, 2025-

2.     Vice President, China Association of Building Energy Efficiency, 2023-Present

3.     Director, Tsinghua-Daikin Research Center, 2020-present

4.     International Energy Agency- Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA-EBC), Vice Chair (2024-present)

5.     International Energy Agency- Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA-EBC), China Representative (2011-present)

6.     American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Fellow (2005 – 2012: member, 2012-present: fellow).

Presidential Ad Hoc Committee, Member (2016-present)

Research Administration Committee, Voting Member (2013-2017)

SPC170 Ventilation for Healthcare Facilities Standard Committee, Voting Member (2001-2005)

TC 4.10 Indoor Environment Modeling, Voting Member (2001-2016)

TC 4.03 Ventilation Requirement and Infiltration, Voting Member and Secretary (2005-2009)

7.     International Society of Indoor Air and Climate, Fellow (2005 – 2012: member, 2012-present: fellow).

8.     International Building Performance Simulation Association, Member (2001 – present).

9.     Special Advisor, China Commission of HVAC (CCHVAC), 2008-present


International Conferences and Other Services

1.       Vice President, The 13th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2023), Beijing, China, 2023

2.       International Scientific Committee, CIB World Building Congress, Hong Kong, China, 2019.

3.       International Scientific Committee, The 9th International Cold Climate Conference, Kiruna, Sweden, 2018

4.       Conference Chair, United Nations Environment Workshop on Building Energy Template and Energy Data, Beijing, China, 2017

5.       Conference Chair, United Nations Environment Replication Workshop on Building Energy Efficiency and NAMA Development for the Building Sector, Beijing, China, 2017

6.       International Scientific Committee, The 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2017), Jinan, China, 2017

7.       Conference Co-Chair, Policy to Practice Approach in the Achievement of a Low Carbon Economy in China, Beijing, China. 2016.

8.       Conference Organizing Committee, The 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC) and The 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE), Tianjin, China. 2015.

9.       Conference Chair, The 11th International Forum and Workshop on Combined Heat, Air, Moisture and

10.     Pollutant Simulations, Shenzhen, China, 2014

11.     Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Class of Building Science Department, 2013 – 2017.

12.     Chair, Forum of China-France Architects, Beijing, China, 2012

13.     International Scientific Committee, The 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2011), Shanghai, China, 2011

14.     Steering Committee Member, ASHRAE IAQ 2010, Kuala Lumper, 2010. 

15.     International Scientific Committee, International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technologies (ICBEST 2010), Vancouver, Canada.

16.     Co-organizer, Tsinghua University/Aalborg University Joint Seminar, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2010.

17.     International Scientific Committee, Clima2010 Conference, Antalya/Turkey

18.     Conference Co-Chair and International Scientific Committee,

19.     2009 International Conference on Sustainable Development in Built Environment, Chongqing, China, 2009.  

20.     International Conference on Sustainable Development in Built Environment (Conference Co-Chair), Chongqing, China, 2009

21.     International Scientific Committee, The Fifth International Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and The Third International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health, Guilin, China, 2008.

22.     Member, ASHRAE IAQ2010 Conference Steering Committee, 2008

23.     The First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008, International Scientific Committee and Keynote Speaker), Dalian, China, July 2008

24.     International Seminar on China Indoor Air Quality (Chair), China, 2008

25.     ASHRAE Winter Annual Meeting, New York, USA, 2008

26.     Co-Chair, the 10th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, Beijing, 2007.

27.     Co-Chair, International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Its Future, Central South University, China, 2007.

28.     Conference Organizing Committee, The 5th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2011), Beijing, China, 2007.

29.     The 10th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference (Conference Co-Chair), Beijing, 2007

30.     The Fifth International Seminar on Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (International Scientific Committee), 2007

31.     The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Organizing Committee), Beijing, China, 2005

32.     Organizing Committee, Indoor Air 2005: the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Beijing, China, 2005.

33.     Co-organizer, Three Countries Joint Seminar for Graduate Students in the Built Environment, held annually and hosted alternatively by Tsinghua University (China), University of Tokyo and Tohoku University (Japan), Yonsei University, and Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), 2005-present.

34.     Invited Member, Technical Working Group on HVAC design to control of infectious diseases, the ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter, 2004

35.     Technical Advisory Committee, the Canadian government agencies’ consortium “Material Emissions and Indoor Air Quality Modeling (Phase II),” 2002 – Present.

36.     Faculty Co-Advisor, University of Miami Student Branch of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2002 – 2005

37.     Faculty Advisor, Student Branch of the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI), 2001 – 2005.



Papers in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

1.       Zhi Y, Gao D, Wei G, Yang X. Simultaneous sizing and scheduling optimization for farmhouse PV-battery systems with a multi-structured power system model, Journal of Energy Storage, Accepted.

2.       Gao D, Zhi Y, Rong X, Yang X. Mismatch analysis of rooftop photovoltaics supply and farmhouse load: Data dimensionality reduction and explicable load pattern mining via hybrid deep learning. Applied Energy, 2025, 377: 124520.

3.       Deng X, He J, Zou Z, Yang X, A model of the spatiotemporal distribution of ozone-squalene reaction and ozonolysis by-products from the human body, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 479 (2024) 135648

4.       Wei G, Xiao Y, Wang J, Gao K, Gao P, Lu C, Yang X, Environmental chamber analysis of objective volatile organic compounds emissions and subjective olfactory perception from main automotive interior components, Building and Environment 266 (2024) 112136

5.       Zheng S, Song X, Duanmu L, Xue Y, Wang Y, Yang X, Research on the air-infiltration rate shelter coefficient of building complexes based on building parameter clustering, Journal of Building Engineering 91 (2024) 109615

6.       Zhi, Y., Sun, T., Gao, D., Chen, X., Wei, G., Dai, X., Yang, X., Achieving net zero energy heating by integrating the building envelope as a thermal battery. iScience, 27(2024)109892

7.       Zhi Y, Gao D, Sun T, Yang X, Experimental investigation of a distributed photovoltaic heating system based on building envelope thermal storage, Energy and Buildings 319 (2024) 114586

8.       Zhi Y, and Yang X, Busbar voltage-based control strategy for energy flexibility in farmhouse coupled to photovoltaic systems, Renewable Energy, 223 (2024) 120015.

9.       Jiang T, Hao F, Chen X, Zou Z, Zheng S, Liu Y, Xu S, Yin H, Yang X, Estimating indoor air temperature by obtaining outdoor building window surface temperature using infrared technology: An exploratory approach, Building and Environment, 251(2024)111218

10.    Gao D, Zhi Y, and Yang X, Assessing carbon emission reduction benefits of the electrification transition of agricultural machinery for sustainable development: A case study in China, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2024.

11.    Hu P, Chang J, Huang Y, Guo M, Lu F, Long Y, Liu H, Yang X, Qi Y, Sun J, Yang Z, Deng Q, Liu J, Nonoptimum temperatures are more closely associated with fatal myocardial infarction than with nonfatal events with fatal myocardial infarction than with nonfatal events, Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2024.

12.    Qu Y, Zou Z, Weschler CJ, Liu Y, Yang X, Quantifying ozone-dependent emissions of volatile organic compounds from the human body, Environmental Science & Technology, 57(2023),13104–13113

13.    Nie Y, Deng M, Shan M, Yang X, Clean and low-carbon heating in the building sector of China: 10-Year development review and policy implications, Energy Policy, 179(August 2023), 113659

14.    Chen X, Li D, Yang X, Wang Y, Comprehensive analyses of solar thermal module with booster mirror integration for adaptation to various application scenarios, Renewable Energy, 217(November 2023), 119207

15.    Zhi Y, Sun T, Yang X, A physical model with meteorological forecasting for hourly rooftop photovoltaic power prediction, Journal of Building Engineering, 75(15 September 2023), 106997

16.    Zhi Y, Yang X, Scenario-based multi-objective optimization strategy for rural PV-battery systems. Applied Energy, 345 (1 Sep 2023)

17.    Ding X, Ma R, Sun T, Shan M, Wang X, Yang X. Method to elucidate the spatial–temporal characteristics of the intermittent heating demand of rural houses in northern China. Energy and Buildings, 288 (1 June 2023)

18.    Chen X, Zou Z, Hao F, Wang Y, Mei C, Zhou Y, Wang D, Yang X. Remote sensing of indoor thermal environment from outside the building through window opening gap by using infrared camera, Energy and Buildings, 286(1 May 2023)

19.    Chen X, Wang Y, Yang X. New biaxial approach to evaluate the optical performance of evacuated tube solar thermal collector. Energy, 271(15 May 2023)

20.    Zhi Y, Yang X. Household solid desiccant dehumidifier with multiple operating modes: Concept and prototype device. Journal of Building Engineering, 66(1 May 2023)

21.    Nie Y, Deng M, Shan M, Yang X, Is there interaction between forestry residue and crop residue in co-pyrolysis? Evidence from wood sawdust and peanut shell. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 148, 2467–2481 (2023)

22.    Wei G, Yang X, Effect of temperature on VOC emissions and odor from vehicle carpet, Building and Environment, 2462023,110993

23.    Kanagasabai T, Carter E, Li Y, Chan, Elliott P, Ezzati M, Kelly F, Xie G, Yang X, Zhao L,  Guo D, Daskalopoulou SS, Wu Y, Baumgartner Jill, Cross-sectional study of household solid fuel use and renal function in older adults in China Environmental Research, 2023,219

24.    Deng Q, Shan M, Zhang G, Zhang S, Liu Y, Yang X, Effect evaluation of large-scale energy saving renovation of rural buildings in Beijing and implications for other cities in the same zone, Sustainability, 2023, 15 (6)

25.    Nie Y, Deng M, Shan M, Yang X, Effects of wood sawdust and peanut shell mixing proportions on CO and NOx emissions in co-combustion experiments, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2023,1893-1902

26.    Deng M, Nie Y, Yuan Y, Ma R, Shan M, Yang X, The Impact of oxygen content in the primary air on CO and PM2.5 emission performances in a forced-draft biomass stove, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2023, 2211-2220

27.    Sun T, Shan M, Rong X, Yang XEstimating the spatial distribution of solar photovoltaic power generation potential on different types of rural rooftops using a deep learning network applied to satellite images. Applied Energy 315(2022)

28.    Yu Z, Lu F, Zou Y, Yang X, Quantifying energy flexibility of commuter plug-in electric vehicles within a residence-office coupling virtual microgrid. Part I: System configuration, quantification framework, and optimization model. Energy and Buildings 321(2022)

29.    Yu Z, Lu F, Zou Y, Yang X, Quantifying energy flexibility of commuter plug-in electric vehicles within a residence-office coupling virtual microgrid. Part II: Case study setup for scenario and sensitivity analysis. Energy and Buildings 321(2022)

30.    Li P, Guo F, Yang X, An inversion method to estimate the thermal properties of heterogeneous soil for a large-scale borehole thermal energy storage system. Energy and Buildings 263(2022)

31.    Chen X, Yang X, Heat transfer enhancement for U-pipe evacuated tube solar absorber by high-emissivity coating on metal fin. Journal of Building Engineering 50(2022)

32.    Zou Z, Yang X, Skin volatile organic compound emissions from 14 healthy young adults under controlled conditions, Building and Environment 222(2022)

33.    Nie Y, Deng M, Shan M, Yang X, Evaluating the impact of wood sawdust and peanut shell mixing ratio on co-combustion performance. Fuel 324(2022)

34.    Lu F, Yu Z, Zou  Y, Yang X, Energy flexibility assessment of a zero-energy office building with building thermal mass in short-term demand-side management. Journal of Building Engineering 50(2022)

35.    Chen X, Yang  X, Li M, Combining horizontal evacuated tubes with booster mirror reflector to achieve seasonal reverse output: Technical and experimental investigation. Renewable Energy 188 (2022) 450-464

36.    Guo F, Zhu X, Li P, Yang X, Low-grade industrial waste heat utilization in urban district heating: Simulation-based performance assessment of a seasonal thermal energy storage system. Energy, 239, Part E(2022): 122345.

37.    Deng M, Nie Y, Yuan Y, M R, Shan M, Yang X, The impact of oxygen content in the primary air supply on fuel burning rate and pollutant emissions in a forced-draft biomass stove, Fuel 321(2022)

38.    Deng M, Nie Y, Lu F, Ma R, Yuan Y, Shan M, Yang X, Pollutant emission performances of improved solid fuel heating stoves and future implications in rural China. Energy and Buildings 257(2022)

39.    Yu Z, Lu F, Zou Y, Yang X, Quantifying the real-time energy flexibility of commuter plug-in electric vehicles in an office building considering photovoltaic and load uncertainty. Applied Energy, 321(2022)

40.    Yin Y, He J, Zhao L, Pei J, Yang X, Sun Y, Cui X, Lin C, Wei D, Chen Q, Identification of key volatile organic compounds in aircraft cabins and associated inhalation health risks. Environment International, 158(2022)

41.    Tseng T, Carter E, Yan L, Chan Q,  Elliott P, Ezzati M, Kelly F, Schauer J, Wu Y, Yang X, Zhao L, Baumgartner J. Household air pollution from solid fuel use as a dose-dependent risk factor for cognitive impairment in northern China. Scientific Reports, 12(2022)

42.    Yin Y, Pei J, He J, Yang X, Cui X, Liu Y, Norback D, Chen Q, A study on human perception in aircraft cabins and its association with volatile organic compounds. Building and Environment, 219(2022)

43.    Ding X, Ma R, Shan M, Wang X, Yang X, Occupants' on-demand control of individual heating devices in rural residential buildings: An experimental scheme and on-site study. Energy and Buildings, 259(2022)

44.    Kanagasabai T, Xie W, Yan L, Zhao L, Carter E, Guo D, Daskalopoulou S, Chan Q, Elliott P, Ezzati M, Yang X, Xie G, Kelly F, Wu Y, Baumgartner J, Household Air Pollution and Blood Pressure, Vascular Damage, and Subclinical Indicators of Cardiovascular Disease in Older Chinese Adults. American Journal of Hypertension, 35(2022)

45.    He J, Yin Y, Pei J, Sun Y, Liu Z, Chen Q, Yang X, “A model to evaluate ozone distribution and reaction byproducts in aircraft cabin environments”. Indoor Air, 32(2022)

46.    Deng M, Ma R, Lu F, Nie Y, Li P, Ding X, Yuan Y, Shan M, Yang X, Techno-economic performances of clean heating solutions to replace raw coal for heating in Northern rural China. Energy & Buildings 240(2021): 110881.

47.    Lu F, Yu Z, Yu Z, Yang X, Cooling system energy flexibility of a nearly zero-energy office building using building thermal mass: Potential evaluation and parametric analysis. Energy & Buildings, 236(2021): 110763.

48.    Yin Y, He J, Pei J, Yang X, Sun Y, Cui K, Lin C, Wei D, Chen Q, Influencing factors of carbonyl compounds and other VOCs in commercial airliner cabins: On-board investigation of 56 flights. Indoor Air, 2021,31(6) 2084-2098.

49.    Chen X, Yang X, Solar collector with asymmetric compound parabolic concentrator for winter energy harvesting and summer overheating reduction: Concept and prototype device. Renewable Energy 2021, 173, 92-104.

50.    Guo F. Yang X, Long-term performance simulation and sensitivity analysis of a large-scale seasonal borehole thermal energy storage system for industrial waste heat and solar energy. Energy and Buildings 236(2021): 110768.

51.    Xu L, Guo F, Hoes PJ, Yang X, Hensen JM, Investigating Energy Performance of Large-Scale Seasonal Storage in the District Heating System of Chifeng City – Measurements and Model-Based Analysis of Operation Strategies. Energy and Buildings 247 (2021): 111113.

52.    Ma R, Yang S, Wang X, Wang XC, Shan M, Yu N, Yang X, A Systematic Method for Energy Saving Potential Calculation of Air Conditioning Systems via Data Mining. Part I: Methodology. Energies 14.1 (2021): 81.

53.    Ma R, Yang S, Wang X, Wang XC, Shan M, Yu N, Yang X, A Systematic Method for Energy Saving Potential Calculation of Air Conditioning Systems via Data Mining. Part : A Detailed Case Study. Energies 14.1 (2021): 86.

54.    Zhu X, Gao B, Yang X, Yu Z, Ni J, Modifying Building Energy-Saving Design Based on Field Research into Climate Features and Local Residents’ Habits. Energies 14.2 (2021): 442.

55.    He J, Yin Y, Yang X, Pei J, Sun Y, Cui X, Chen Q, Carbon dioxide in passenger cabins: spatial, temporal characteristics and 30-year trends. Indoor Air 31.6 (2021): 2200-2212.

56.    Yang S. Yang X, Licina D., Emissions of volatile organic compounds from interior materials of vehicles. Building and Environment 170 (2020): 106599.

57.    Huang W, Lv M, Yang X, Long-term volatile organic compound emission rates in a new electric vehicle: Influence of temperature and vehicle age. Building and Environment 168(2020):106465

58.    Lv M, Huang W, Rong X, He J, Yang X, Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in vehicle cabins diffusing from interior materials. Part I: Measurements of VOCs in new cars in China. Building and Environment 175(2020):106796

59.    Zou Z, He J, Yang X, An experimental method for measuring VOC emissions from individual human whole-body skin under controlled conditions. Building and Environment 181(2020):107137

60.    Yu Z, Lu F, Zou Y, Yang X, Quantifying the flexibility of lighting systems by optimal control in commercial buildings: insight from a case study. Energy and Buildings 225(2020):110310

61.    Guan D, Song J, Wang J, Li J, Du L, Wang M, Shan M, Jiang X, Hua X, Fan X, Yang X, Wang Y, Mu Z, Chen Q, Identification of species and sources of atmospheric chromophores by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix with parallel factor analysis, Science of the Total Environment 718 (2020): 137322.

62.    Deng M, Li P, Shan M, Yang X. Optimizing supply airflow and its distribution between primary and secondary air in a forced-draft biomass pellet stove. Environmental Research, 184(2020):109301

63.    Guo F, Zhu X, Zhang J, Yang X, A large-scale living laboratory of seasonal borehole thermal energy storage system for urban district heating. Applied Energy 264(2020):114763.

64.    Deng M, Li P, Ma R, Shan M, Yang X, Air pollutant emission factors of solid fuel stoves and estimated emission amounts in rural Beijing. Environment International 138(2020):105608.

65.    Ma R, Mao C, Ding X, Deng M, Baumgartner J, Wang X, Wang X, Yang W, Liu H, Shan M, Yang X. Diverse household heating demands based on occupant control behavior of individual heating equipment. Energy and Buildings, 207(2020);109612

66.    Ma R, Fu Y, Deng M, Ding X, Baumgartner J, Shan M, Yang X. Measurement of Personal Experienced Temperature Variations in Rural Households Using Wearable Monitors: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(2020):6761.

67.    Deng M, Li P, Shan M, Yang X, Characterizing dynamic relationships between burning rate and pollutant emission rates in a forced-draft gasifier stove consuming biomass pellet fuels. Environmental Pollution 255 (2019): 113338.

68.    He J, Sun X, Yang X, Human respiratory system as sinks for volatile organic compounds (VOCs): evidence from field measurements. Indoor Air, 29.6 (2019): 968-978.

69.    Carter EM, Yan L, Robinson B, Kelly F, Elliott P, Wu Y, Zhao L, Ezzati M, Yang X, Chan Q, Baumgartner J, Household transitions to clean energy in a multi provincial cohort study in China. Nature Sustainability 177(2019):1-9.

70.    Li S, Yang M, Carter E, Schauer JJ, Yang X, Ezzati M, Goldberg MS, Baumgartner J, Exposure–Response Associations of Household Air Pollution and Buccal Cell Telomere Length in Women Using Biomass Stoves. Science of The Total Environment 739 (2020): 139488..

71.    Mao C, Li M, Li N, Shan M, Yang X, Mathematical model development and optimal design of the horizontal all-glass evacuated tube solar collectors integrated with bottom mirror reflectors for solar energy harvesting. Applied Energy 238(2019): 54-68.

72.    Chen Q, Sun H, Wang J, Shan M, Yang X, Deng M, Wang Y, Zhang L. Long-life type -The dominant fraction of EPFRs in combustion sources and ambient fine particles in Xi’an. Atmospheric Environment. 219(2019):117059.

73.    Deng M, Li J, Zhang S, Shan M, Baumgartner J, Carter EM, Yang X, Real-time combustion rate of wood charcoal in the heating fire basin: Direct measurement and its correlation to CO emissions. Environmental Pollution 245 (2019) :38-45.

74.    He J, Lv M, Yang X. A one-dimensional VOC emission model of moisture-dominated cure adhesives. Building and Environment 156(2019):171-177.

75.    He J, Sun X, Yang X. Human respiratory system as a sink for volatile organic compounds: Evidence from field measurements. Indoor Air 29(2019) :968-978.

76.    He J, Zou Z, Yang X. Measuring whole-body volatile organic compound emission by humans: A pilot study using an air-tight environmental chamber. Building and Environment 153(2019):101-109.

77.    Lv M, Yang X. Improving material selection for residences using volatile organic compound simulation at the design stage: Field verifications from a unique case study. Building and Environment 157(2019):277-283.

78.    Zhang S, Deng M, Shan M, Zhou C, Liu w, Xu X, Yang X, Energy and environmental impact assessment of straw return and substitution of straw briquettes for heating coal in rural China. Energy Policy 128(2019) :654-664.

79.    Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America

80.    Zhu X, Lv M, Yang X, A predictive model for the formaldehyde removal performance of sorption-based portable air cleaners with pleated composite filter. Building and Environment 147(2019):517-527.

81.    Zhu X, Lv M, Yang X, A test-based method for estimating the service life of adsorptive portable air cleaners in removing indoor formaldehyde. Building and Environment 154(2019):89-96.

82.    Brehmer C, Lai A, Clark S, Shan M, Ni K, Ezzati M, Yang X, Baumgartner J, Schauer JJ, The Oxidative Potential of Personal and Household PM2.5 in a Rural Setting in Southwestern China. Environmental Science & Technology 53(2019) :2788-2798.

83.    Clark S, Schmidt AM, Carter EM, Schauer JJ, Yang X, Ezzati M, Baumgartner J, Longitudinal evaluation of a household energy package on blood pressure, central hemodynamics, and arterial stiffness in China. Environmental Research 177(2019) :108592.

84.    Lai A, Carter E, Shan M, Ni K, Clark S, Ezzati M, Wiedinmyer C, Yang X, Baumgartner J, Schauer JJ, Chemical composition and source apportionment of ambient, household, and personal exposures to PM2.5 in communities using biomass stoves in rural China. Science of Total Environment 646(2019)309-319.

85.    Baumgartner J, Clark S, Carter E, Lai A, Zhang Y, Shan M, Schauer JJ, Yang X, Effectiveness of a Household Energy Package in Improving Indoor Air Quality and Reducing Personal Exposures in Rural China. Environmental Science & Technology 53(2019) :9306-9316.

86.    Zhao B, Zheng H, Wang S, Smith KR, Lu X, Aunan K, Gu Y, Wang Y, Ding D, Xing J, Fu X, Yang X, Liou KN, Hao J, Change in household fuels dominates the decrease in PM2.5 exposure and premature mortality in China in 2005-2015. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 10 (2018) 1-6.

87.    Baumgartner J, Carter E, Schauer JJ, Ezzati M, Daskalopoulou SS, Valois M, Shan M, Yang X. Household air pollution and measures of blood pressure, arterial stiffness and central hemodynamics. Heart 104(2018) 1515-1521.

88.    Carter EM, Shan M, Zhong Y, Ding W, Zhang Y, Baumgartner J, Yang X. Development of renewable, densified biomass for household energy in China. Energy for Sustainable Development 46 (2018) 42-52.

89.    Xu L, Torrensa JI, Guo F, Yang X, Hensen JLM. Application of large underground seasonal thermal energy storage in district heating system: A model-based energy performance assessment of a pilot system in Chifeng, China. Applied Thermal Engineering 137(2018) 319-328.

90.    Deng M, Zhang S, Shan M, Li J, Baumgartner J, Carter EM, Yang X. The impact of cookstove operation on PM2.5 and CO emissions: A comparison of laboratory and field measurements. Environmental Pollution 243(2018) 1087-1095.

91.    Wang H, Lin S, Yang S, Yang X, Song J, Wang H, Wang N, High-temperature particulate matter filtration with resilient yttria-stabilized ZrO2 nanofiber sponge, Small, 14(2018) 1-7.

92.    Zhu X, Lv M, Yang X. Performance of sorption-based portable air cleaners in formaldehyde removal: Laboratory tests and field verification, Building and Environment 136 (2018) 177–184.

93.    Guo F, Zhang J, Shan M, Yang X. Analysis on the optimum matching of collector and storage size of solar water heating systems in building space heating applications. Building Simulation 11(2018) 549-560.

94.    Li J, Zhang D, Yang S., Yang X, Zhu H. Nanofibrous membrane of graphene oxide-in-polyacrylonitrile composite with low filtration resistance for the effective capture of PM2.5, Journal of Membrane Science, 551(2018) 85-92.

95.    Ke S, Liu Q, Deng M, Zhang X, Yao Y, Shan M, Yang X, Sui G. Cytotoxicity analysis of indoor air pollution from biomass combustion in human keratinocytes on a multilayered dynamic cell culture platform, Chemosphere 208 (2018):1008-1017

96.    Zhang S, Deng M, Shan M, Zhou C, Liu W, Xu X, Yang X. A field experimental study on non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions from a straw-returned maize cropping system, Science of the Total Environment 636 (2018) 530–538

97.    Zhang S, Deng M, Shan M, Zhou C, Liu W, Xu X, Yang X. Effect of straw incorporation on aldehyde emissions from a maize cropping system: A field experiment, Atmospheric Environment 189 (2018) 116–124

98.    Yang S, Zhu Z, Wei F, Yang X. Enhancement of formaldehyde removal by activated carbon fiber through in-situ growth of carbon nanotubes. Building and Environment 126(2017): 27-33.

99.    Yang S, Zhu Z, Wei F, Yang X. Carbon nanotubes/activated carbon fiber-based air filter media for simultaneous removal of particulate matter and ozone. Building and Environment 125(2017):60-66.

100.  Deng J, Yang X, Xu Y, Yang M. Entransy analysis on the thermal performance of flat plate solar air collectors. Building Simulation 10(2017):193–202

101.  Liao J, Jin AZ, Chafe ZA, Pillarisetti A, Yu T, Shan M, Yang X, Li H, Liu G, Smith KR. Time-series analysis of the impact of household cooking and heating with solid fuels on ambient PM2.5 in peri-urban Beijing. Atmospheric Environment 165(2017): 62-72.

102.  Sun X, He J, Yang X. Human breath as a source of VOCs in the built environment, Part I: A method for sampling and detection species. Building and Environment 125(2017): 565-573.

103.  Sun X, He J, Yang X. Human breath as a source of VOCs in the built environment, Part II: Concentration levels, emission rates, and factor analysis. Building and Environment 123(2017): 437-445.

104.  Shan M, Carter EM, Baumgartner J, Deng M, Clark S, Schauer JJ, Ezzati M, Li J, Fu Y, Yang X. A user-centered, iterative engineering approach for advanced biomass cookstove design and development. Environmental Research Letters 12(2017):095009.

105.  Clark S, Carter EM, Shan M, Ni K, Niu H, Tseng JTW, Pattanayak S, Jeuland M, Schauer JJ, Ezzati M, Wiedinmyer C, Yang X.  Baumgartner J, Adoption and use of a semi-gasifier cooking and water heating stove and fuel intervention in the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters 12(2017): 075004.

106.  Wang C, Wu S, Jian M, Xie J, Xu L, Yang X, Zheng Q, Zhang Y. Silk nanofibers as high efficient and lightweight air filter. Nano Research 9(2016):1-8.

107.  Ni K, Carter EM, Schauer JJ, Ezzati M, Zhang Y, Niu H, Lai AM, Shan M, Wang Y, Yang X, Baumgartner J. Seasonal variation in outdoor, indoor, and personal air pollution exposures of women using wood stoves in the Tibetan Plateau: Baseline assessment for an energy intervention study. Environment International 94(2016):449-457.

108.  Carter EM, Archer-Nicholls S, Ni K, Lai A, Niu H, Secrest M, Sauer S, Schauer J, Ezzati M, Wiedinmyer C, Yang X, Baumgartner J. Seasonal and diurnal patterns in residential cooking and space heating activities in the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology 50(2016):8353-8361.

109.  Shan M, Yu T, Yang X. Assessment of integrated active solar and air-source heat pump water heating system operated within a passive house in a cold climate zone. Renewable Energy 87 (2016):1059-1066

110.  Shan M, Li D, Jiang Y, Yang X. Re-thinking China's densified biomass fuel policies: Large or small scale? Energy Policy 93(2016):119–126.

111.  Secrest MH, Schauer JJ , Carter EM, Lai AM, Wang Y, Shan M, Yang X, Zhang Y , Baumgartner J. The oxidative potential of PM2.5 exposures from indoor and outdoor sources in rural China. Science of the Total Environment 571 (2016):1477–1489.

112.  Liang W, Lv M, Yang X. The effect of humidity on formaldehyde emission parameters of a medium-density fiberboard: Experimental observations and correlations. Building and Environment 101 (2016):110-115

113.  Liang W, Lv M, Yang X. The combined effects of temperature and humidity on initial emittable formaldehyde concentration of medium-density fiberboard. Building and Environment 98 (2016):80-88

114.  Yang S, Nie J, Wei F, Yang X. Removal of ozone by carbon nanotubes/quartz fiber film. Environmental Science and Technology 50(2016):9592−9598.

115.  Yang S, Gao K, Yang X. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) formation due to interactions between ozone and skin-oiled clothing: Measurements by extraction analysis-reaction method. Building and Environment 103 (2016):146-154.

116.  Deng J, Ma R, Yuan F, Chang C, Yang X. Dynamic thermal performance prediction model for the flat-plate solar collectors based on the two-node lumped heat capacitance method. Solar Energy 135 (2016):769–779.

117.  Deng J, Yang X, Ma R, Xu Y. Study on the thermodynamic characteristic matching property and limit design principle of general flat plate solar air collectors (FPSACs). Building Simulation 9(2016):529–540

118.  Shan M, Wang P, Li J, Yue G, Yang X. Energy and environment in Chinese rural buildings: Situations, challenges, and intervention strategies. Building and Environment 91 (2015):271-282.

119.  Liang W, Yang S, Yang X. Long-term formaldehyde emissions from medium-density fiberboard in a full-scale experimental room: Emission characteristics and the effects of temperature and humidity. Environmental Science and Technology 49 (2015):10349–10356.

120.  Yang C, Yang X, Zhao B. The ventilation needed to control thermal plume and particle dispersion from manikins in a unidirectional ventilated protective isolation room. Building Simulation 8(2015):551-565.

121.  Chen M, Yang X. Situations and challenges of household energy consumption in small Chinese towns. Energy and Buildings 107(2015):155-162.

122.  Deng J, Xu Y, Yang X. A dynamic thermal performance model for flat-plate solar based on the thermal inertia correction of the steady-state test collectors method. Renewable Energy 76(2015):679-686.

123.  Deng J, Yang X. Wang P, Study on the second-order transfer function models for dynamic tests of flat-plate solar collectors Part I: A proposed new model and a fitting methodology. Solar Energy 114 (2015):418–426.

124.  Gao K, Xie J, Yang X. Estimation of the contribution of human skin and ozone reaction to volatile organic compounds (VOC) concentration in aircraft cabins. Building and Environment 94(2015): 12-20.

125.  Guan J, Li Z, Yang X. Net in-cabin emission rates of VOCs and contributions from outside and inside the aircraft cabin. Atmospheric Environment 111 (2015):1-9.

126.  Chen Q, He F, Liu J, Xin X, Yang C, Yang X, Zhu Y. Control of the air environment in commercial airliner cabins. Science.2014

127.  Guan J, Gao K, Wang C, Yang X, Lin CH, Lu C, Gao P. Measurements of volatile organic compounds in aircraft cabins. Part I: Methodology and detected VOC species in 107 commercial flights. Building and Environment 72(2014): 154-161.

128.  Guan J, Wang C, Gao K, Yang X, Lin CH, Lu C. Measurements of volatile organic compounds in aircraft cabins. Part II: Target list, concentration levels, and possible influencing factors. Building and Environment 75(2014): 170-175.

129.  Li Z, Guan J, Yang X, Lin CH. Source apportionment of airborne particles in commercial aircraft cabin environment: Contributions from outside and inside the cabin. Atmospheric Environment 89(2014): 119-128.

130.  Wang C, Yang X, Guan J, Li Z, Gao K. Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in aircraft cabins. Building and Environment 81(2014):1-6.

131.  Wang C, Yang X, Guan J, Gao K, Li Z. Volatile organic compounds in the aircraft cabin: measurements and correlations between compounds. Building and Environment 78(2014):89-94.

132.  Liang W, Wang C, Yang C, Yang X. Volatile organic compounds in different interior construction stages of an apartment. Building and Environment 81(2014): 380-387.

133.  Liang W, Yang C, Yang X. Long-term concentrations of volatile organic compounds in a new apartment in Beijing, China. Building and Environment 82(2014):693-701.

134.  Wang P, Yang M, Yang X, Shan M. Thermal performance of a traditional Chinese heated wall with the in-series flow pass: Experiment and modeling. Energy and Buildings 84(2014): 46-54.

135.  Wang P, Shan M, Xiong D, Yang X. A new Chinese Kang with forced convection: System design and thermal performance measurements. Energy and Buildings 85(2014): 410-415.

136.  Shan M, Yang X, Ezzati M, Chaturvedi N, Coady E, Hughes A, Shi Y, Yang M, Zhang Y, Baumgartner J. A feasibility study of the association of exposure to biomass smoke with vascular function, inflammation, and cellular aging. Environmental Research 135(2014): 165–172.

137.  Carter EM, Shan M, Yang X, Li J, Baumgartner J. Pollutant emissions and energy efficiency of Chinese gasifier cooking stoves and implications for future intervention studies. Environmental Science & Technology 48(2014):6461-6467.

138.  Wan Y, Guan J, Yang X, Zheng Q, Xu Z. Mechanism of selective molecular capture in carbon nanotube networks. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16(2014):14894-14898.

139.  Wang C, Yang X. Analysis of volatile organic compounds emitted from aircraft carpets: a comparison using headspace and dynamic chamber tests. Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition).13(2014): 1-10.

140.  Yang M, Yang X, Li X, Wang Z, Wang P. Design and optimization of a flat-plate solar air heater with offset strip fin absorber plate. Applied Energy 113 (2014):1349–1362.

141.  Guan J, Gao K, Wang C, Yang X, Lin CH, Lu C, Gao P. Measurements of volatile organic compounds in aircraft cabins. Part I: Methodology and detected VOC species in 107 commercial flights. Building and Environment 72 (2014):154-161.

142.  Yang M, Yang X, Wang P, Shan M, Deng J. A new Chinese solar Kang and its dynamic heat transfer model. Energy and Buildings 62 (2013):539–549

143.  Liang W, Yang X. Indoor formaldehyde in real buildings: emission source identification, overall emission rate estimation, concentration increase, and decay patterns. Building and Environment 69(2013):114-120.

144.  Li Q, You R, Chen C, Yang X. A field investigation and comparative study of indoor environmental quality in heritage Chinese rural buildings with thick rammed earth wall. Energy and Buildings 62 (2013): 286-293.

145.  Shan M, Yang M, Yang X. Renewable energy utilization in Chinese buildings: technology development and demonstration projects. ASHRAE Transactions 118(2012): 508-513.

146.  Liang W, Gao P, Guan J, Yang X. Modeling volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations due to material emissions in a real residential unit. Part Ⅰ: Methodology and a preliminary case study. Building Simulation 5(2012): 351-357.

147.  Yang M, Wang P, Yang X, Shan M. Experimental analysis on the thermal performance of a solar air collector with a single pass. Building and Environment 56(2012): 361-369.

148.  Tang F, Yang X. A "deactivation" kinetic model for predicting the performance of photocatalytic degradation of indoor toluene, o-xylene, and benzene. Building and Environment 56(2012): 329-334.

149.  Li Q, Sun X, Chen C, Yang X. Characterizing the household energy consumption in heritage Nanjing Tulou buildings, China: A comparative field survey study. Energy and Buildings 49(2012): 317-326.

150.  Deng Q, Yang X, Zhang J. Key Factor Analysis of VOC Sorption and Its Impact on Indoor Pollutant Concentrations: the Role of Ventilation. Building and Environment 47(2012): 182-187.

151.  Chen C, Zhao B, Yang X. Impact of two-way airflow due to temperature difference on preventing the entry of outdoor particles using indoor positive pressure control method. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2011): 1290-1299.

152.  Chen C, Zhao B, Yang X. Preventing the entry of outdoor particles using indoor positive pressure control method: Analysis of influencing factors and cost. Building and Environment 46(2012): 1167-1173.

153.  Chen C, Zhao B, Yang X, Li Y. Role of two-way airflow owing to temperature difference in SARS transmission-Revisiting the largest nosocomial SARS outbreak in Hong Kong. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8(2011): 699-710.

154.  Chen FN, Yang X, Mak HC, Chan DW. Photocatalytic oxidation for antimicrobial control in built environment: A brief literature overview. Building and Environment 45 (2010):1747-1754.

155.  Deng Q, Yang X, Zhang J. A new method to evaluate volatile organic compound sorption capacity of building materials. HVAC&R Research 16(2010): 95-105.

156.  Yang C, Shi H, Yang X, Zhao B. Research on Flow Resistance Characteristics with Different Window/Door Opening Angles. HVAC&R Research 16(2010): 813-824.

157.  Yang X, Jiang Y, Yang M, Shan M. Energy and environment in Chinese rural housing: current status and future perspective. Front. Energy Power Eng. China, 4(2010):35-46.

158.  Gao P, Deng Q, Yang X. Impact of air pressure on volatile organic compound emissions from a carpet. Journal of Central South University of Technology S1(2009):1-5.

159.  Xu Y, Yang X, Yang C, Srebric J. Contaminant dispersion with personal displacement ventilation, Part I: A base case study. Building and Environment 44(2009): 2121-2128.

160.  Jiang Y, Zhao B, Li X, Yang X, Zhang Z, Zhang Y. Investigating a safe ventilation rate for the prevention of indoor SARS transmission: An attempt based on a simulation approach. Building Simulation 2(2009):281-289.

161.  Yang C, Yang X, Sun L, Gong W. Optimization of bathroom ventilation design for an ISO Class 5 clean ward. Building Simulation 2(2009): 133-142.

162.  Zhao B, Yang C, Chen C, Feng C, Yang X, Sun L, Gong W, Yu L. How many airborne particles emitted from a nurse will reach the breathing zone/body surface of the patient environments?-A numerical analysis. Aerosol Science and Technology 43(2009): 990-1005.

163.  Chen F, Yang X, Wu Q. Photocatalytic oxidation of Escherichia coli, Aspergillus niger and formaldehyde under different UV irradiation conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 43(2009): 4606-4611.

164.  Chen F, Yang X, Xu F, Wu Q, Zhang Y.  Correlation of photocatalytic bactericidal effect and organic matter degradation of TiO2 part I: Observation of phenomena. Environmental Science & Technology 43(2009):1180-1184

165.  Deng Q, Yang X, Zhang J. Study on a new correlation between diffusion coefficient and temperature in porous building materials. Atmospheric Environment 43(2009): 2080-2083.

166.  Deng Q, Zhang J, Yang X. The validation of a VOC diffusion sink model based on a full-scale chamber test (RP-1321). ASHRAE Transactions 115(2009):2.

167.  Chen F, Yang X, Wu Q. Antifungal capability of TiO2 coated film on moist wood. Building and Environment 44(2009):1088-1093

168.  Yan W, Yang X, Shan M. How to simplify computer simulated person (CSP) for modeling personal microenvironment: comparison and case studies. ASHRAE Transaction 115(2009):1.

169.  Yang X, Zhang Y. Modeling, assessment, and control of indoor air quality. Building and Environment (Editorial) 43 (2008):237.

170.  Srebric J, Vukovic V, He G, Yang X. CFD boundary conditions for contaminant dispersion simulations around human occupants in indoor environments. Building and Environment 43 (2008) 294-303

171.  Yan D, Song F, Yang X, Jiang Y, et al. An integrated modeling tool for simultaneous analysis of thermal performance and indoor air quality in buildings. Building and Environment 43(2008):287-293.

172.  Song T, Zhao B, Yang X, Jiang Y, Gopal VP, Dobbs G. A new approach on zonal modeling of indoor environment with mechanical ventilation. Building and Environment 43(2008):278-286.

173.  Yang X, Wang Y. Photocatalytic effect on plasmid DNA damage under different UV irradiation time. Building and Environment 43(2008): 253-257.

174.  Zhao B, Yang C, Yang X, Liu S. Particle dispersion and deposition in ventilated rooms: Testing and evaluation of different Eulerian and Lagrangian models. Building and Environment 43(2008):388-397.

175.  Chen Q, Yang X, Zhao B. Particles, Aerosols, and Their Transport in the Built Environment (editorial). Atmospheric Environment 41(2007):5179-5180.

176.  Li Y, Leung GM, Tang J, Yang X, Chao C, Lin J, Lu J, etc. The role of ventilation in the airborne transmission of infectious agents in built environment – a multi-disciplinary systematic review. Indoor Air 17(2007): 2-18.

177.  Liu Z, Zhao B, Yang X. A method for calculating a ventilation bypass factor. Indoor and Built Environment 16(2007):472-481.

178.  James JP, Yang X. Healthy and energy-efficient housing in hot and humid climates: a model design. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 14(2007): 310-313.

179.  James J, Yang X. Emission measurement of green and non-green materials used in buildings. Indoor and Built Environment 14(2005): 69-74.

180.  He G, Yang X. On regression method to obtain emission parameters of building materials. Building and Environment 40(2005):1282-1287.

181.  He G, Yang X, Srebric J. Removal of contaminants released from room surfaces by displacement and mixing ventilation: modeling and validation. Indoor Air 15(2005):367-380.

182.  Wang Y, Yang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Han Z. Disinfection and bactericidal effect using photocatalytic oxidation. HKIE Transactions (Special Edition) 12(2005):39-43.

183.  He G, Yang X, Shaw CY. Material emission parameters obtained through regression. Indoor and Built Environment 14(2005):59-68.

184.  He G, Yang X, Srebric JJ. Effects of Source Location on Contaminant Dispersion in a Displacement Ventilated Room. ASHRAE Transactions 111(2005): Part 1.

185.  Zhao B, Wu P, Song F, Yan D, Yang X, Li X, Jiang Y. Numerical simulation of indoor PM distribution in the whole year by zonal model. Indoor and Built Environment 13(2004): 453-462.

186.  Yang X, Srebric J, Li X, He G. Performance of three air distribution systems in VOC removal from an area source. Building and Environment 39(2004), 1289-1299.

187.  Li D, Li X, Guo Y, Yang J, Yang X. A generalized algorithm for simulating contaminant distribution in complex ventilation systems with re-circulation. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A – Applications 45(2004):583-599.

188.  Zhao B, Li X, Zhang Y, Yang X, Huang D. Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method. Building and Environment 39(2004):1-8.

189.  Zhao B, Zhang Z, Yang X, Li X, Huang D. Numerical analysis of micro-climate of desk displacement ventilation. Journal of the IEST 47(2004): 2.

190.  Zhao B, Cao L, Li X, Yang X, Huang D. Comparison of indoor environment of a local concentrated clean room at dynamic and steady status by numerical method. Journal of the IEST 47(2004):1.

191.  Zhao J, Yang X. Photocatalytic oxidation for indoor air purification: a literature review. Building and Environment 38(2003): 645-654.

192.  Li D, Li X, Yang X, Dou C. Total air age in the room ventilated by multiple air handling units: Part 1, an algorithm," ASHRAE Transactions 109 (2003):829-836.

193.  Li X, Li D, Yang X, Yang J. Total air age: an extension of the air age concept. Building and Environment 38(2003):1263-1269.

194.  Shi W, Shao S, Li X, Peng X, Yang X. A network model to simulate performance of variable refrigerant volume refrigeration systems.  ASHRAE Transactions 109 (2003):61-68.

195.  Ren H, Zhao B, Li X, Fan H, Yang X. Influence of diffuser jet characteristics on indoor air distribution under actual connecting conditions. Journal of Architectural Engineering 9(2003):141-144.

196.  Wang B, Zhang M, Li X, Yang X. Experimental investigation of discharge performance and temperature distribution of an external melt ice-on-coil storage tank. HVAC&R Research 9 (2003):291-308.

197.  Zhang J, Zhang J, Chen Q, Yang X. A critical review on studies of volatile organic compound (VOC) sorption by building materials. ASHRAE Transactions 108(2002):1.

198.  Yang X, Chen Q, Zeng J, Zhang J, Shaw CY. A mass transfer model for simulating VOC sorption on building materials. Atmospheric Environment 35(2001): 1291-1299.

199.  Yang X, Chen Q, Zeng J, Zhang J, Shaw CY. A mass transfer model for simulating volatile organic compound emissions from 'wet' coating materials applied to absorptive substrates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44(2001):1803-1815.

200.  Yang X, Chen Q, Zeng J, Zhang J, Nong G, Shaw CY. Effects of airflow on VOC emissions from 'wet' coating materials: experimental measurements and numerical simulation. ASHRAE Transactions 107(2001):1.

201.  Yang X, Chen Q, Zhang J, Magee R, Zeng J, Shaw CY. Numerical simulation of VOC emissions from dry materials. Building and Environment 36(2001): 1099-1107.

202.  Yang X, Chen Q, Zeng J, Zhang J, Shaw CY. Effects of environmental and test conditions on VOC emissions from "wet" coating materials. Indoor Air 11(2001): 270-278. 

203.  Yang X, Chen Q. A coupled airflow and source/sink model for simulating indoor VOC exposures. Indoor Air 11(2001), 257-269.

204.  Yuan X, Chen Q, Glicksman LR., Hu Y, Yang X. Measurements and computations of room airflow with displacement ventilation. ASHRAE Transactions 105(1999):340-352.

205.  Yang X, Chen Q, Zhang J. Impact of early-stage incomplete mixing on estimating VOC emissions in small test chambers. Indoor Air 8(1998):180-189.

206.  Yang X, Chen Q, Bluyssen PM. Prediction of short-term and long-term volatile organic compound emissions from SBR bitumen-backed carpet under different temperatures. ASHRAE Transactions 104(1998): 1297-1308.

207.  Jiang Y, Li J, Yang X. Fault direction space method for on-line fault detection. ASHRAE Transactions 101(1995): 219-228.


Contribution to Books, Journal Special Issues or Conference Proceedings

1.       Build a New Rural Energy System Oriented to Carbon Neutrality - Comprehensive Report on the Elimination of Scattered Coal in Rural China, 2024.

2.       Tsinghua University Building Energy Research Center: Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency 2024 (in Chinese), lead author and editor of the book, China Architecture and Building Press, 2024.

3.       China Clean Heating Industry Development Report 2022(in Chinese), Clean Heating Industry Committee, contributing author, China Economic Press, 2022.

4.       China Clean Heating Industry Development Report 2021(in Chinese), Clean Heating Industry Committee, contributing author, China Economic Press, 2021.

5.       Ecocities, contributing author, Phillip Jones, Hou Shanshan, Gwyrdd Publishing, 2021

6.       Yang X. “Chapter XI.6 Simulation for Indoor Air Quality Control”, Handbook of Indoor Air Quality, Zhang Y, Hopke P. K., Mandin C, Springer Nature, 2021

7.       Tsinghua University Building Energy Research Center: Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency 2020 (in Chinese), lead author and editor of the book, China Architecture and Building Press, 2020.

8.       Tsinghua University Building Energy Research Center: Best Practice of China’s Building Energy Conservation (in Chinese), contributing author, China Architecture and Building Press, 2016.

9.       Tsinghua University Building Energy Research Center: Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency 2016 (in Chinese), lead author and editor of the book, China Architecture and Building Press, 2016.

10.    Tsinghua University Building Energy Research Center: Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency 2012 (in Chinese), lead author and editor of the book, China Architecture and Building Press, 2016.


11.    Tsinghua University Building Energy Research Center: Annual Report on China Building Energy Efficiency (annual book series, in Chinese, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015 editions), Author for rural energy efficiency sections, China Architecture and Building Press, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015.

12.    Yang X. Environmental Engineering: Environmental Health and Safety for Municipal Infrastructure, Land Use, and Planning, and Industry, 6th Edition, Author for “Chapter 2: Residential and Institutional Environment”. John Wiley & Sons, 2009, pp83-175.

13.    Yang X, Zhang Y(eds), Modeling, assessment, and control of indoor air quality, Building and Environment 43 (2008)

14.    Wang J, Pu C, Tu Z, Yang X, Xie G, Building Equipment and Engineering (in Chinese), China Architecture and Building Press, 2007.

15.    Jiang Y, Zhu Y, Yang X, Zhao B (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference (Building Simulation 2007), Beijing, China, 2007. Vol. 1-3.

16.    Chen Q, Yang X, Zhao B (eds). Particles, Aerosols, and Their Transport in the Built Environment, Atmospheric Environment, 41 (2007).

17.    Yang X, Zheng Z, Shan M, Li T, Energy Efficient Housing Technologies in Rural Areas (in Chinese), China Social Press, 2006.

18.    Zhao R, Yang X, Zhao B (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2005), Beijing, China, 2005. Vol. 1-5, 3985 pages

19.    Yang X. Chapter 10: Residential and Institutional Environment”, Environmental Engineering, 5th Edition, J. A. Salvato, N. L. Nemerow, F. J. Agardy (eds), John Wiley & Sons, 2003, pp1291-1392.

20.    Chapter 4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment, Technical Assessment Guide of Chinese Eco-Residential Buildings (in Chinese) Nei M, Qin Y, Jiang Y(eds), China Architecture and Building Press, 2003 ISBN 7-112-01666-5.


Contribution to Standards

1.       Technical Specifications for Intelligent Operation Technology Support System of Air Source Heat Pump Air Heater (T/CDHA 6-2021), primary author.

2.       Technical Standard for the Engineering of Intelligent Operation Technology Support System of Air Source Heat Pump Air Heater (T/CDHA 502-2021) , Primary Author.

3.       Technical Specifications for Energy-Saving Renovation of Rural Residential Buildings in Severely Cold and Cold Regions (China Engineering Construction Standard, CECS 741: 2020), Contributing Author.

4.       Technical Specifications for Ultra-Low Energy Consumption Rural Dwellings (China Engineering Construction Standard, CECS 739: 2020), Contributing Author

5.       Technical Standard for Indoor Decoration Pollution Control in Residential Buildings (Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China, JGJ/T 436-2018), Primary Author.

6.       Air Source Heat Pump Air Heater for Low Ambient Temperature (Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China, JBT13573-2018), Primary Author.

7.       Technical Standard for Residential Interior Decoration Pollution Control (Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China, JGJ/T-2017), Standard Vice Chair and Second Author.

8.       Evaluation Standard for Green Small Towns (China Green Building Council Standard, CSUS/GBC 06-2015, 2015), Standard Chair and First Author.

9.       Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Rural Residential Buildings (National Standard of the People's Republic of China, GB/T 50824-2013), Primary Author.

10.    Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Detached Rural Houses (China Engineering Construction Standard, CECS 332: 2012), Standard Chair and First Author.

11.    ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2008 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities, Member and Subcommittee Chair

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